Notices for 1st / 2nd Feb. 2025
- Feasts this Week:
Monday, 3rd Feb: St. Blaise
Tuesday, 4th Feb: St. John de Britto
Wednesday, 5th Feb: St. Agatha
Thursday, 6th Feb: St. Paul Miki & Companions
Friday, 7th Feb: St. Gonsalo Garcia - We thank the Members of the Bible Cell and others who organized the Bible Festival cum Quiz last Sunday. We also thank the many participants.
- Friday, 7th February is the First Friday of the Month. Half Hour Adoration at 6.30 pm conducted by Don Bosco Community followed by the Evening Mass.
- Next Sunday, 9th February, four of our children will receive their First Holy Communion at the 8.30am Mass. Hence please note that next Sunday the Morning Mass will be at 8.30am and not at 8am.
- Next Sunday is celebrated as Holy Childhood Sunday. Hence, there will be a 2nd Collection which will be sent to the Holy Childhood Association for the uplift of Children.
- The Senior Citizens Association have organized their Annual Pilgrimage to Infant Jesus Shrine, Nasik on 23rd February. Those interested should register at the Parish Office on or before 9th February with payment of Rs 800 towards travel, breakfast & Lunch. From 10th February the registration will be open to other parishioners.
- Parishioners who have not yet contributed towards the Community Fund for this Financial Year are reminded to make their contribution as soon as possible before 31st March.