Financial Aid Distribution
On 11th July 2020, the Bombay Catholic Sabha Irla Unit distributed Rs.3000/- per family as Pandemic aid to 10 financially weak families of the parish.
This was done in co-ordination with SVP. We began with a prayer by Fr. Rajkumar who thanked the donors and prayed in a special way for all the
families of the parish. We thank all the donors for their generosity. God bless you and your family! We also thank Fr. Rajkumar for his presence.
Grocery Distribution
The Bombay Catholic Sabha Irla Unit distributed Groceries to 52 families of the parish on 18th and 48 families on 19th July, 2020.
We are thankful to Mr. Reuben Mascarenhas, a parishioner and member of AAP Party who donated the groceries. It was nice of Mr. Richard
Mascarenhas his dad to be present. We began with a prayer by Fr. Mateus who also celebrated his birthday on 18th July. He prayed for all the
families of the parish and thanked Reuben for his generosity. Both Fr. Rajkumar and Fr. Mateus distributed the groceries.
In all, 100 Catholic and Non-Catholic families were helped with groceries in the 2 days.